Solution through game theory

All problems have a solution!

What is the solution here?

Solution through game theory.

Number One, snakes in trees are not as poisonous, they are constrictors like boas, they need the earth or to be on the Earth to be stronger, the most optimal solution in this case and speaking of game theory, the most optimal move for that person and save himself or Try to save himself seriously, a game theory move called (asymmetric information and less risk move or minimizing risks) or something more advanced, it would be knocking down the tree to the left where the lion is, because the tree It is going to fall anyway, knocking it down towards where it is a lion, the lion is more controllable than the crocodiles, and the snake is more controllable than the lion, the most fearsome thing is the lion if it is decided to knock the tree down towards the ground, that is, towards the lion, there is no other alternative, and that is the most recommended move, then lying down the tree towards the ground, towards the lion, try to lead or grab or direct the boa towards the lion, the lions do not discern what type what a snake it is and they are afraid of snakes, they would probably move away and we would be saved, the decision to drop into the water is the least optimal for survival, so the most optimal solution would be to go to land, the information that is known about the snake, and about the lion, they would save me, be careful, steps to save me, one knock down the tree towards the lion, that is, towards the earth, make weight towards the earth, two try to scare the lion with the boa, three the boas because it is an animal, they head more towards another animal, four once the boa entertains itself and creates fear in the lion as always happens, I run somewhere else and save myself, full stop end of the story, objective: saved

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