My writings

Game Theory and Cooperation Cases- Prisoner´s dilemma



Game Theory and Cooperation Cases- Prisoner´s dilemma

Adam Smith vs John Nash in a Beautiful Mind Movie


The prisoner’s dilemma is a standard example of a game analyzed in that shows why two completely rational individuals might not cooperate, even if it appears that it is in their best interests to do so. It was originally framed by Flood and Dresher in 1950. Albert W. Tucker formalized the game with prison sentence rewards and named it “prisoner’s dilemma” -Poundstone, 1992, presenting it as follows:

Two members of a criminal gang are arrested and imprisoned. Each prisoner is in solitary confinement with no means of communicating with the other. The prosecutors lack sufficient evidence to convict the pair on the principal charge. They hope to get both sentenced to a year in prison on a lesser charge. Simultaneously, the prosecutors offer each prisoner a bargain. Each prisoner is given the opportunity either to: betray the other by testifying that the other committed the crime, or to cooperate with the other by remaining silent. The offer situation is:

• If Prisoner 1 and Prisoner 2 each betray the other, each of them serves 2 years in prison

• If Prisoner 1 betrays Prisoner 2 but Prisoner 2 remains silent, Prisoner 1 will be set free and Prisoner 2 will serve 3 years in prison (and vice versa)

• If Prisoner 1 and Prisoner 2 both remain silent, both of them will only serve 1 year in prison -like the lesser charge.

The prisoners´s dilemma in movies

Sandra Bullock’s “Murder by Numbers,” a laborious, visually gloomy and generally distasteful police procedural.

Sandra Bullock stars as a hard-bitten homicide detective. At first, the casting of the normally adorable Bullock (who was rightly voted “Most Likely To Brighten Up Your Day” in high school) as a callous, embittered cop seems bizarre. Eventually, though, we learn that she’s such a tough cookie only because she was brutally assaulted as a teen, and that if she would simply learn to face her fear of her abuser, she could get back in touch with her inner cutie-pie. That’s a subplot, however. In fact, the two little-known actors playing the murderers get as much screen time as the star. The film is structured like an old “Columbo” episode, with Bullock in the Peter Falk role, tracking down the smug 18-year-olds whom the audience already knows are the killers.

“What had this boy (Loeb) to do with it?” “He was not his own father; he was not his own mother … All of this was handed to him. He did not surround himself with governesses and wealth. He did not make himself. And yet he is to be compelled to pay.”

Nihilistic assault on the concepts of personal responsibility and justice itself was long celebrated as the ultimate condemnation of the death penalty. Times have changed, though. Thus, “Murder by Numbers” makes only cursory efforts to drum up sympathy for Pitt’s Loeb character. Lacking enough evidence to arrest the pair, Bullock and her long-suffering partner realize their only hope is a confession. They place Gosling and Pitt into separate rooms and tell each that whoever first implicates the other as the one who actually stabbed the woman will live, while the one who stays silent will die in the gas chamber.

This is a classic rendition of the “Prisoner’s Dilemma,” which fascinates the kind of game theorists we met in “A Beautiful Mind.” Implicit in the Prisoner’s Dilemma, however, is that if the two suspects stay loyal to each other, they will both walk. Because the movie hasn’t yet told us who had held the murder weapon, this makes for the dramatic high point of the film.

The prisoner’s dilemma can also work without the death penalty, but only if the accomplice’s sentence is much milder than life in prison. It’s the large gap between the two punishments that gives Gosling and Pitt an incentive to squeal on each other.

It is implied that the prisoners will have no opportunity to reward or punish their partner other than the prison sentences they get and that their decision will not affect their reputation in the future. Because betraying a partner offers a greater reward than cooperating with them, all purely rational self-interested prisoners will betray the other, meaning the only possible outcome for two purely rational prisoners is for them to betray each other.[1] The interesting part of this result is that pursuing individual reward logically leads both of the prisoners to betray when they would get a better reward if they both kept silent. In reality, humans display a bias systemic towards cooperative behavior in this and similar games despite what is predicted by simple models of “rational” self-interested action.

An extended “iterated” version of the game also exists. In this version, the classic game is played repeatedly between the same prisoners, who continuously have the opportunity to penalize the other for previous decisions. If the number of times the game will be played is known to the players, then two classically rational players will betray each other repeatedly, for the same reasons as the single-shot variant. In an infinite or unknown length game there is no fixed optimum strategy, and prisoner’s dilemma tournaments have been held to compete and test algorithms for such cases.

The prisoner’s dilemma game can be used as a model for many real world situations involving cooperative behavior. In casual usage, the label “prisoner’s dilemma” may be applied to situations not strictly matching the formal criteria of the classic or iterative games: for instance, those in which two entities could gain important benefits from cooperating or suffer from the failure to do so, but find it difficult or expensive—not necessarily impossible—to coordinate their activities.

Innovation to Stay in Time and Space – How to Stay in the Future


The Future of Professional and Managerial Innovation (Ideas from Gary Hamel, Peter Drucker, Eric Von Hippel, Coimbatore Krishnarao Prahalad, and some ideas of their own- Marcel Arellano)

In the Future of Innovative Management there will not be a Manager but many Managers or Management Leaders to say it in some way.

The Large, Medium and Small Companies that will be maintained and sustained in the future and in any part of the World, are those where the Imagination and the Initiative can flourish, and where the curiosity of its members is free, to invent, to invest, where Make calculated mistakes and you can actually know where the business is and success.

Let’s begin to explain a little:

The Companies and the Professionals of the future will manage to maintain themselves, grow and be profitable if they manage to make radical experiments in innovation (Disruptive Innovation) and manage to maintain an innovative management.

Ancient theories saw the employee as a lazy being, disinterested by work and motivated only by money, the new Theories see the employee as a being who must see himself, must self-motivate, must solve problems, must resolve his own motivation and Find the meaning of your own work.


In the future, hierarchies will tend to disappear. There will be no Organizational structures, Efficient and Productive work teams will be managed, they must be self-sustaining, where there will be two goals: to make money and have a good time.

There will be only one business architecture, connecting each individual in the organization with all the others.

The communication will be direct, person to person, team with equipment.

The philosophy is to serve each individual instead of the boss only; You will avoid working through channels to collaborate with your colleagues, there will be no channels.

There will be no communication facades, there will be more direct relationships. Now and in the future we must understand the potentiality in abandoning these rigid organizational hierarchies.


In the corridors of the company the word Chief, Executive, Manager or Vice President will never be heard. Those terms will be contrary to the ideals of Effectiveness and Direct Communication. People will be freer because the same system allows and is self-adjusting. It will be a 

system of effectiveness and where each person will push in the same direction under multiple modes, as many modes as there are different personalities.


There will be Guides and Tutors that sponsor new employees, they will guide at the beginning, and employees will be selected for their skills, current competencies and their potential, both will matter.

The work teams will be free to acquire new people or not, they will be like new responsible partners of their teams, and not bosses.

There will be a mentoring style towards some of the employees, these mentors will not need to be on top of each employee, and so on, they will be mentors rather than bosses.


The essential thing in the future and managerial innovation and of all kinds, is the discretion of the time of all the people or called partners. All employees must create, have initiative, understand that everyone is free with their time, and how to handle it and do things, since the same philosophy of work and system encourages each person to work in their own way, but Interestedly towards a common goal.

Each one should be an innovator born in their area and cooperating with the other areas, will produce innovations, each one should become a contributor and collaborator.


Every person must be committed, and each one will be motivated and self-motivated to do so, given that the work and organizational environment should allow and suggest it.

In practice, each person, associate or partner, is an associate negotiator, negotiates their activities and responsibilities with their other colleagues.


The formula is simple, the more you contribute, the more highly you will be compensated and rewarded.

The system clearly differentiates between those who adhere more value and those who give less. Value will be qualified and quantified: we must add much more intellectual value, knowledge, research, experimentation and testing, technical, scientific, social, environmental, connections, monetary and non-monetary value, human value, technology, in short everything what creates value to the company, organization or country, its people and society. There is compensation for hard work and creates a sense of belonging and associated destiny.

There are annual profit sharing programs enabling employees to have company assignments in the shortest time. Surprisingly all are in the need to make the company grow.


Opportunities for personal interaction will be maximized.

You must believe in the direct communication benefits of the work teams.


The whole world should focus on the objectives and goals; In the old era divisions and departments spent much more time defining and defining the boundaries of the business center, they took a long time to understand and reach the objectives and goals, we must minimize this in the present and in the future.

We must understand how to maintain a healthy balance between the investments that extend the business and those that open the doors to new markets.


Something very realistic and we are seeing it today, the same consumer or user is becoming an innovative leader (Lead User), they are the same users of products, services, software, tools, equipment and machinery, knowledge, the students themselves, among others, those who are finding new ways, new ways, innovations and creations, in the whole market, the same people, the users who use things are the ones who find new ways to adapt them to the market and their own needs, and the most interesting of all this is that they make available to the whole world these new innovations and ways of use, through economic sources.

You have to be alert in this, because it is our people, even the most insignificant person in the company or organization that is giving me or could give me these new uses or innovations, the new guidelines, aspects that an external person would never have seen. itself.

These users are called user leaders and in some cases consumers – producers, and they are those who best understand innovation or the new use of things, because they themselves are those who manipulate, need and require equipment, machinery or the product or service.


Tenacity is another ingredient in the future of innovation.

It is necessary to minimize the unnecessary risks and this is what the people and what the people of the street and in other latitudes say, want and require (Advanced Market Research and Consumer Behavior). In addition to this, we must learn to read the intrinsic, implicit, unseen needs, the needs and what consumers do not currently have. If Steve Jobs had only heard the consumer, he would have only improved the Mac computer and not invented the Ipad. with this lesson.

Determination and perseverance come with prudent investments. Organizations and companies will never bet as in casinos, will try to solve ex-uncertainties, or minimize them.

The idea is not to bet big but to bet calculatedly and invest more frequently and often.

There will have to be eccentricity in everything, to be unique in what we do, we must have a unique system that seeks the need and business opportunities, continuous objectives and breaking the rules.

If we can understand, know, assume, practice and execute these ideas or some of these ideas in our organizations or professions, and we adapt our mentality, business or industry to the future and to innovation, there is a high probability of keeping us in time and space, grow but profitably in the future, through innovation and make our profession, company or organization as innovative as possible and belonging to the future.

Creativity- The Connection between all Variables

Incredibly everything is interconnected with everything, the Human Being, his behavior and behavior as Being, as Man, as Consumer and Decision-maker, Economy, Politics, Public Sector, Private Sector, Non-Governmental Organizations, Society in General, everything is interconnected with everything, nothing remains the same when changing something or some variable for good or bad in some sector of society.

It would be worth asking the positive, negative and interesting aspects, and much more, of the performance of one as a person, as a professional, on a personal, family level, in my spiritual life, in my work environment, in my work, in my organization, of oneself within society, and each one to draw their own balance and where one interacts in all these fields.

To do so, it would be necessary to try to disperse a question of oneself as if it were a variable and ask yourself: How was my performance from every point of view in this year that is ending? , and Disaggregate this question from all levels in several Subvariables or Subsectors: professionally, personally, family, spiritually, in my work environment, my work, in my organization, one within society; and from there to see and analyze the Positive, Negative and Interesting aspects that took place throughout the Year, in order to finally obtain an Idea or Ideas, Solution, Response, Result for Decision Making with respect to what has been proposed and to see what I am going to change and improve in this next year.

Let’s better explain how to use this creative evaluation (this is a Tool exposed in my book Creativity Tools- Tools to Create and Undertake, which I have called the Integral Rose) 

This is a graphic visual tool called the Integral Rose – The Connection of All Variables, where one goes disintegrating a variable and goes on studying, analyzes, directs the thought, to combine and associate variables of the same or different domain, of provocation and use of chance, of connection, to study a situation, variables, problem, to generate ideas, answers, possible solutions, changes, improvements or conclusions to what has been proposed.

 First I must Analyze a topic or a question that we will call the Root of the Problem in our case would be: How was my performance from all points of view in this year that is ending 

-The Root: is the Variable to study, what we will branch, then this would be: How was my performance from all points of view in this year that is ending ?.

We wrote the Variable to Study: How was my performance from every point of view in this year that is ending? .

-The Petals (Disintegration): there the possible subvariables are written, disintegrating the Root variable, creating Possible Subvariables to be studied.

The subvariables to be studied are written that come out of the Variable that was written in the Root, in this case they would be:

Analyze everything regarding my performance in all the fields where I interact, professionally, personally, family, in my spiritual life, in my work environment, in my work, in my organization, myself within society.

– The Stem: are the positive aspects, the Medullary, the core marrow competitive capacities, what nourishes, the nourishing path.

Then, the positive aspects are written, the medullar, what nurtures, the good, what I improved, referring to the Root variables and the Subvariables (Petals) that we are analyzing or studying, all those points or Positive aspects that can contribute or are written are written. contribute in relation to the variable Root and subvariables raised and to solve the problem, or the positive aspects or what it feeds that would help me to generate a new Idea of ​​improvement.

-The Spines: are the negative aspects, what it costs to do, the obstacles.

There are written the negative aspects that I see, with respect to the Variable Root and its Subvariables Petals.

The Obstacles are written, the negative that I think happened from the situation, what we have trouble doing, what is bad, that is, all the negative aspects, and what I must change and / or improve.-The Nectar: ​​refers to the interesting aspects, the useful, interesting about the situation, referring to the Variable Root and its Subvariables Petals.

All the useful, interesting aspects are written there that can cause us usefulness, profit, surprise.

-Water: refers to the Needs, Nutrients (Temporary), temporary needs, what is really needed or I need, temporarily, to be able to solve the problems or situations posed both in the Root Variable, and in its subvariables Petals. Recall that the Root Variable is: How was my performance from all points of view in this year that is ending? .

It is written there what I need or need temporarily to achieve the solution, or achieve a new idea, or achieve good results.

-The Air: refers to the Permanent Needs, what is really needed permanently to be able to solve the problem posed, or situations raised both in the Root Variable, as in its subvariables Petals.

It is written there what I need or need permanently to achieve the solution, or achieve a new idea or achieve better results.

-The Earth: refers to the Philosophical Needs, the philosophical, the moral bases, values, virtues, necessary principles to be able to solve the problem posed, or situations raised both in the Root Variable and its subvariables Petals.

The philosophical and moral aspects and needs and virtues that are believed necessary to solve the originally proposed situation are written there.

– The Sun: refers to the Lighting Needs, the creative, the necessary creative aspects to be able to solve the problem posed, or situations posed both in the Root Variables and its subvariable Petals.

Creative aspects are written there, which can help us enlighten to improve or change.

After studying and analyzing all these interconnected aspects, the environments or environments, both internal and external, are analyzed.

-The Poppies: refers to the aspects of the internal environment or internal environment, as I see the internal environment, what surrounds me or closest environment relating to the Root Problem Raised and its Subvariables.

The points or aspects of the internal or closest environment are written there.

-The Rainbow: refers to the aspects of the external environment or the more open environment, beyond my control.

All the aspects of the external environment are written, which I think has an external impact on everything analyzed previously and on the problem initially proposed.

I must analyze the aspects of both the internal and external environment of the Root variable and of the subvariables Petals along with everything that I have been disintegrating in the Stem, Spines, Nectar, Water, Air, Earth and Sun.

Finally, I must draw a result, results, conclusions, idea or final ideas from this whole analysis.

-The Pollen: refers to the final result of the analysis of all the variables discussed above, including their relationships, connections, incidence or interaction with internal and external aspects.

The ideas, results or possible conclusions are written once a study has been carried out, an exhaustive analysis among all the variables.

These results or Ideas should be to Change and Improve with respect to the Root Problem Raised: How was my performance from every point of view in this year that is ending? and its Disaggregation or Subvariables to be analyzed: see the performance in the professional, personal, family, spiritual, in my work environment, my work, in my organization, oneself within society; These results or ideas may vary, they are not exclusive and may not be the complete solution, but a large part of it.

This is a tool of disaggregation, analysis, use of directing thought, of combining and associating variables of the same or different domain, of provocation and use of chance, of connection, to study a situation, variables, problem, to generate ideas, answers , possible solutions or conclusions to the raised to create, undertake and improve.

This is a useful tool to think, learn to think, to be creative and innovative and achieve specific objectives, if you can prove, use and materialize effectively the ideas that we find in it.

Ideally, each one should do their own exercise, write it down, color it, draw their own conclusions and ideas, and best of all, materialize and put these ideas and improvements into practice during the year.


Game Theory- The prisoner’s dilemma

The prisoner’s dilemma is a standard example of a game analyzed in that shows why two completely rational individuals might not cooperate, even if it appears that it is in their best interests to do so. It was originally framed by Flood and Dresher in 1950. Albert W. Tucker formalized the game with prison sentence rewards and named it “prisoner’s dilemma” -Poundstone, 1992, presenting it as follows:

Two members of a criminal gang are arrested and imprisoned. Each prisoner is in solitary confinement with no means of communicating with the other. The prosecutors lack sufficient evidence to convict the pair on the principal charge. They hope to get both sentenced to a year in prison on a lesser charge. Simultaneously, the prosecutors offer each prisoner a bargain. Each prisoner is given the opportunity either to: betray the other by testifying that the other committed the crime, or to cooperate with the other by remaining silent. The offer situation is:

  • If Prisoner 1  and Prisoner 2 each betray the other, each of them serves 2 years in prison
  • If Prisoner 1  betrays Prisoner 2  but Prisoner 2  remains silent, Prisoner 1  will be set free and Prisoner 2  will serve 3 years in prison (and vice versa)
  • If Prisoner 1  and Prisoner 2 both remain silent, both of them will only serve 1 year in prison -like the lesser charge.


The prisoners´s dilemma in movies

Sandra Bullock’s “Murder by Numbers,” a laborious, visually gloomy and generally distasteful police procedural. 

Sandra Bullock stars as a hard-bitten homicide detective. At first, the casting of the normally adorable Bullock (who was rightly voted “Most Likely To Brighten Up Your Day” in high school) as a callous, embittered cop seems bizarre. Eventually, though, we learn that she’s such a tough cookie only because she was brutally assaulted as a teen, and that if she would simply learn to face her fear of her abuser, she could get back in touch with her inner cutie-pie. That’s a subplot, however. In fact, the two little-known actors playing the murderers get as much screen time as the star. The film is structured like an old “Columbo” episode, with Bullock in the Peter Falk role, tracking down the smug 18-year-olds whom the audience already knows are the killers. 

“What had this boy (Loeb) to do with it?”  “He was not his own father; he was not his own mother … All of this was handed to him. He did not surround himself with governesses and wealth. He did not make himself. And yet he is to be compelled to pay.” 

Nihilistic assault on the concepts of personal responsibility and justice itself was long celebrated as the ultimate condemnation of the death penalty. Times have changed, though. Thus, “Murder by Numbers” makes only cursory efforts to drum up sympathy for Pitt’s Loeb character. Lacking enough evidence to arrest the pair, Bullock and her long-suffering partner realize their only hope is a confession. They place Gosling and Pitt into separate rooms and tell each that whoever first implicates the other as the one who actually stabbed the woman will live, while the one who stays silent will die in the gas chamber. 

This is a classic rendition of the “Prisoner’s Dilemma,” which fascinates the kind of game theorists we met in “A Beautiful Mind.” Implicit in the Prisoner’s Dilemma, however, is that if the two suspects stay loyal to each other, they will both walk. Because the movie hasn’t yet told us who had held the murder weapon, this makes for the dramatic high point of the film. 

The prisoner’s dilemma can also work without the death penalty, but only if the accomplice’s sentence is much milder than life in prison. It’s the large gap between the two punishments that gives Gosling and Pitt an incentive to squeal on each other. 

It is implied that the prisoners will have no opportunity to reward or punish their partner other than the prison sentences they get and that their decision will not affect their reputation in the future. Because betraying a partner offers a greater reward than cooperating with them, all purely rational self-interested prisoners will betray the other, meaning the only possible outcome for two purely rational prisoners is for them to betray each other.[1] The interesting part of this result is that pursuing individual reward logically leads both of the prisoners to betray when they would get a better reward if they both kept silent. In reality, humans display a bias systemic towards cooperative behavior in this and similar games despite what is predicted by simple models of “rational” self-interested action.

An extended “iterated” version of the game also exists. In this version, the classic game is played repeatedly between the same prisoners, who continuously have the opportunity to penalize the other for previous decisions. If the number of times the game will be played is known to the players, then two classically rational players will betray each other repeatedly, for the same reasons as the single-shot variant. In an infinite or unknown length game there is no fixed optimum strategy, and prisoner’s dilemma tournaments have been held to compete and test algorithms for such cases.

The prisoner’s dilemma game can be used as a model for many real world situations involving cooperative behavior. In casual usage, the label “prisoner’s dilemma” may be applied to situations not strictly matching the formal criteria of the classic or iterative games: for instance, those in which two entities could gain important benefits from cooperating or suffer from the failure to do so, but find it difficult or expensive—not necessarily impossible—to coordinate their activities.


How to Execute and Accomplish High Impact Goals by Marcel Arellano

Ideas and Exercises

In history, there are great executors and characters of action and success (success being understood as the good performance and the result of those who have left a positive mark, works, works and knowledge for posterity).

Characters such as the great saints of the Catholic Church and other religions; Personalities such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart have had several things in common, all of them have worked hard in one way or another, have managed to be disciplined, effective and efficient everyone in their particular area, they have been meticulous about detail and perfection in their works and works, they managed to take advantage of their own mistakes for learning and to get ahead, they self-managed, they managed, they knew and they managed to the maximum the management of themselves.

They have been characters of execution, action and impressive results, they have taken the time and space to achieve works that have been forever.

This is to a large extent, what they have made of these characters, people of high performance and really phenomenal.

Although many of these personalities are considered exceptions, neuroatipical people, different typologies as much in their talents as in their results, and many of their successes should be considered outside the limits of the current human existence, many of us, ordinary human beings, could also achieve our own successes and a good performance if we imitate and model in little or much the way and manner in which they behaved, worked and played these characters.

Most of us, even those of us with few attributes and talents like the aforementioned characters, would have to learn to direct, self-manage, control ourselves, as well as develop ourselves.

The first thing to do is locate where we can make larger, noble and useful contributions to our Organizations and Society. We will have to find the right place where we can work with greater enthusiasm, where we can feel at ease, where our work is also fun and know what to do to improve more and more.

Previously, a person was born in a job: the peasant’s son would also be a peasant; the artisan’s daughter, the wife of an artisan, and so on. But nowadays people can decide much further. We have to know what are the sources of our strengths, to know where we can be good and the area to which we really belong.

The only way to discover the sources of our strengths is through self-analysis and feedback. When you make an important decision or take an action, you should write what you expect will happen. Nine or twelve months later, you should compare the true results with your expectations. The feedback analysis can show you, as an example and for your understanding, the gaps or differences between what you are comparing with what you have to fill or improve in the future.

The feedback analysis is not new. It has been used by Great Personalities of the Catholic Church such as St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Ignatius of Loyola, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Pope John Paul II himself; as well as by other personalities of Other Religions such as Gandhi and by Personalities of Invention, Sciences and Arts such as Da Vinci and Mozart; each of them incorporated self-analysis and feedback into their own practices and each one adapted it to their own way and area of work. In fact, the constant focus on the performance and results of this habit explains why the results and performance of all these people in the story.

Practiced constantly, this simple method can show us within a short period of time, maybe two or three years, where our strengths are and where they are not. The method shows you what you are doing or are not doing, or you are failing to do, and it shows you what is depriving you of greater benefits if you devote yourself or focus more on your strengths. It shows you where you are not particularly competent.Some suggestions for action result from the feedback analysis. Above all, where you must concentrate your strengths to produce the best results.

Second, the method tells us where we should work to improve our strengths. It will also show you the gaps in your knowledge – and those gaps that you can fill. Mathematicians are born, but we can all learn very well mathematical calculation and perspective.

Third, it helps us to discover where our intellectual arrogance is that causes what is called a disabling ignorance, in order to overcome it.

Especially people who have phenomenal expertise in an area – may become arrogant and ignorant believing that they have all the knowledge in other areas than their own, believing that being bright in one area confers the applicability of these attributes on others areas different from yours, although this is possible in many talented people, in many cases it does not happen.

Some front-line engineers, for example, tend to be proud of not knowing anything about human affairs or about people. They believe that human affairs are things or matters of little importance. On the other hand, professionals from some human areas, in contrast, feel proud of knowing nothing about quantitative methods and measures.

Feeling proud of this ignorance, can be counterproductive in this century, in the world we live and in everything we will see in a very short time.

Let’s work on acquiring the skills and knowledge that we lack, what we have realized is missing and can fill the gaps, and everything that contributes and improves our strengths.

It is essential that we remedy bad habits, realize the things we do wrong or stop doing, and what prevents us from improving our efficiency and performance.

With all this, many of us and in our organizations – we strive to make people, executors in areas of scarce competition. On the contrary, we should concentrate energy, resources and time, both we and our people, in the existing strengths, talents, abilities and competences; talents given by someone Superior to us, that we must polish throughout our lives to find what really makes us great executors, men and women of action and good, as many characters in history have achieved.

Excerpt taken from my book Creativity Tools – Processes, Methodologies and Tools to Create, Second Edition


How to have Mental Strength – Ideas to have a Strong Mind in moments of crisis and uncertainty 


The Five (5) Mistakes People Should Avoid to have a Strong Mind: 

1.-Error of Giving Mental and Emotional Status 

These people complain all the time, for everything and for a few reasons; they take criticism always as something personal; they pay attention to all criticism without differentiating constructive criticisms from destructive ones; they waste time on things they can not control; they turn their backs on other people who can with their emotions and actions; throw in the towel at the first failure; envy the personal success of others; they always believe that the world owes them something.

2.- Living in the Past 

It is one thing to learn from the past, to remember the good things of the past, to learn to avoid mistakes and other things is to always live in the past. Live in the past as if all past were better.

The environments of change and uncertainty can motivate a strong-minded person to get the best out of them at those times and for the future.

3.- Being afraid of calculated risk 

A strong mind measures the potential risks and benefits of their actions. They think of the best and worst scenario. A strong-minded person is not irresponsibly negative or irresponsibly optimistic. A strong-minded person knows that uncertainty exists and always puts it in the equation.

You have to learn to risk but in a calculated way.

4.- They always make the same mistakes 

A crucial mistake in many people is to always do the same and expect different results.

Definition of Demented = to do the same thing always and in the same way and obtain the same results.

You have to have the ability to be aware of the mistakes and detect the strengths you have to achieve success in everything.

Successful executives learn from successes and failures. They change what does not work, they reflect and they keep what works.

5.- Expect immediate results 

You have to learn to have perseverance.

Strong minds have the power of perseverance.

They know that it is for a Marathon and not only for a Race of 100 meters.

They know that changes take time.

Enjoy the small victories.

Strong minds are linked to spiritual strength, they know that life is beyond this earth and they put many things out of their own control into the hands of the Creator, they have or try to have spiritual peace and the human and earthly events are overwhelmed with the Divine love.

The strong minds in the end make their own decisions but based on all this analysis.

How to avoid these Errors and find our Strengths 

The only way to avoid these mistakes and discover the sources of our strengths is through self-analysis and feedback . When you make an important decision or take an action, you should write what you expect will happen. Months later, you must compare the true results with your expectations. The feedback analysis can show you, as an example and for your understanding, the gaps or differences between what you are comparing with what you have to fill or improve in the future.

Let’s work on acquiring the skills and knowledge that we lack, what we have realized is missing and can fill the gaps, and everything that contributes and improves our strengths.

It is essential that we remedy bad habits, realize the things we do wrong or stop doing, and what prevents us from improving our efficiency and performance.

In addition, the Feedback Method, when comparing expectations with results, will indicate what we should not do. 

All human beings have talents and skills that do not fit in many work areas, areas where we would really have very little opportunity.

There are areas where a person and especially a skilled worker should not ultimately take on work, assignments or assignments.

Efforts should not be wasted to improve areas and skills where we have few strengths and few skills. Much more energy and work is spent on improving incompetence than improving the performance of existing strengths.

With all this, many of us and in our organizations – we strive to make people, executors in areas of scarce competition. On the contrary, we should concentrate energy, resources and time, both we and our people, on existing strengths, talents, skills and competencies; talents given by someone Superior to us, that we must polish throughout our lives to find what really makes us great executors, men and women of action and good, as many characters in history have achieved. 

Extract taken from my book Creativity Tools- Second Edition 2018

Marcel Arellano

Executive Certificate of Innovation and Strategy – MIT, Cambridge, Mass, USA

Executive Certificate in Management and Leadership- MIT, Cambridge, Mass, USA


Creativity Tools to Marketing and Digital Marketing

Idea-people in Digital Marketing filed frequently use visual memory elements in creating their visualizing paths and drawings. 

An idea-person in Marketing and Digital Marketing usually uses elements and the space they take up on a page, size and scale of objects. The use of emptiness or negative spaces are examples of relations and spatial examples. 

They use combination of colors in their illustrations as means to enhance elements and to show how these elements are related to one another. 

They learn to use clarity and simplification through completely simple Drawings, which can be visualized and summarized in essence, offering ideas in a simple, short and quiet manner. 

In visualization, these creative details capture as much as possible in order to make them personalized. These drawings include many habits, secrets and favorite techniques and many personal pieces of advice, among other personal gems.

 Some visual aids, such as graphic icons, are used to represent universal aspects of the creative digital process. These icons or artifacts are used to communicate with a symbolic power. 

– Use of circles.
– Use of lines and arrows. 

– Use of figures.
– Use of objects: paintings, books, teacups, etc. 

-Use of Photos, templates, images.

Use of metaphors: they visually communicate through comparisons with something familiar or accessible to the human mind.

Nature of challenges: 

a.- Creativity in order to solve problems requires skill and art, like a fisherman trying to fish in difficult areas. 

b.- n order to do things differently, to discover new things, you must feel as if you were swimming upstream. 

c.- You may feel lost in following an idea, even trapped, keeping faith is always a way to get out of a labyrinth. 

They know when to use moments of frustration. The inclination of the human being in procrastinating and dealing directly with the problem may create all types of anxiety. 

To know how to use the moments of silence, that is just for ideas to come out: 

– Incubation periods. 

– Discovering the solution. 

For example, you visualize light bulbs as iconography of ideas, light bulbs as moments of illumination. 

Based on experiences of creative from different fields and domains as well as their processes, you can distinguish different dimensions that characterize the nature of the different types of idea-creative person and their own processes and how they can have an impact: 

1.-Their works express identity and they identify with them. 

2.-They draw their inspirations from everything surrounding them, outside their own environment. 

3.-They enjoy the hunt, finding ideas is challenging and exciting because they appreciate the infinity of possibilities. 

4.-The creative processes must be protected; this is a precious process and also a fragile phenomenon. 

5.-They make plans, have confidence in their work and how they execute it, they believe in their processes that have been developed through time. They are the result of experience and success. 

6.- Sometimes they work in teams; when they like to work in groups, they appreciate the synergy created by different entities and different perspectives. 

7.- Many idea-creative persons build based on Experience, this offers confidence and perspective, it acknowledges reality and promotes sharing of ideas. 

8.- Once the creative process has begun, it moves forward and it is executed. 

9.-The process develops in a series of steps or events. They are consistent, waiting, persisting and persevering. The process, although tedious or even slow, continues until it finds the solution. 

10.-The process may generate fear and doubt, but this helps its successful fulfillment. 

Some creative people in Advertising, Marketing and Digital Marketing field  base their work on Values: 

– The quality of ideas comes from a long quantity of ideas. 

– It is important to ask questions. 

– Creativity is an act of rebellion; new ideas challenge the status quo. 

– An appropriate work environment is important for creativity. 

– The client or consumer does not have to be an enemy. 

Personal rituals are important and fruitful complements of creative thinking. 

Many embrace their good habits, they break their work with games, find relevance in the irrelevant, and they possess indulgence for comfort: for example listening to classical music, seeking other passions: play the guitar, practice sports, etc. 

Expression of Emotions, Character and Virtues in creative work: Emotions, manners, habits and virtues influence the creative work. 

Most of the creative people are filled with Optimism: the process will be successful if I invest in it, and I see this as an opportunity to do something amazing. They have a lot of Determination: the process if full of challenges, but the final objective has to be accomplished. This makes one a creative thinker. 

Using the Technology and new platforms:

It is necessary to be creative in five (5) aspects when launching, do Marketing and Digital Marketing to new product or service into the market: First: Creation of the New Product is necessary (that the product is unique, reaching the needs and desires of people that were not there before, generating monetary and non-monetary value, that the packaging is creative in package and design, intangible); Second: The Strategic Communication of the New Product or Service is Necessary; Above The Line (ATL) and Below The Line (BTL) Creativity, Creativity in Design and Advertisement; Third: Creativity in the Distribution Channel is Necessary with new technology and new digital and Social Media platforms; Fourth: Creativity in Organization or Who makes the New Product or Service is Necessary (Creative Teams, Individual and Collective Creativity, Creative Environments); Fifth: Creativity in Advanced Research and Consumer Behavior is Necessary (needs, desires and fondness), such as knowing the Target, taking into account the unconscious part of the people rather than the conscious part, having to learn the intrinsic, implicit, unseen needs, attachments, desires and what the consumers do not currently have. If Steve Jobs had only listened to the consumer, he would have improved the Mac computer and would have never invented the Ipad, beware of this lesson. 


And what do we do when the apparently great idea or ideas are generated? This is when we must test them in markets, digital markets or niches in order to put them into practice, use and materialize them. The entity, product or service derived from this idea will be adapted or generated for each particular case, and must be tested in the market, digital media and digital markets. It is necessary to execute it and take advantage of the time and thus minimizing trial and error by putting it into practice, in order that our product, service or whatever entity is created be accepted or bought by the market, in the digital market through  online worldwide and/or society, in such a way that the goal of each creative or creator is that his entity created be accepted by any way. 


4 Great Tips to seek Quality and Excellence in Education for Ourself and our Children 


Each child is unique in his genetics and conceived entity in his distinctive environment, which immediately affects his unique interaction and behavior 

However, our brain and body are designed to be flexible and plastic and to face challenges and adaptation. 

Recent studies conclude that brain development is not a passive process or a genetic blueprint for inflexible environment, but an active process that depends on cellular molecular process and probabilistic organizational levels genetic and no genetic, because of the bidirectional relationship among genes, brain and behavior. 

Babies are special beings, and what makes them special is that they are not intelligent at birth, but they are designed to change their minds when facing new data and information. 

Intelligence is not fixed but waiting to be developed. Athletic progress is not preordered but waiting to be trained. Musical ability is dormant in all of us, waiting to be awakened. The creative potential is built into our brain architecture and all these functions of influence and processes, far from being completely controllable. The job of a father is to get involved in this work and process, which should begin before the baby’s birth. 

We know that genes play a role and its expression is determined each time by the quality of life of our children. We know that we must help our children to decide their own destiny. Then our job as parents is to find the best one possible and unique that gets the best of the individual. 

It is important to know that the most relevant influences on children’s character are not their parents by their playmates. On the average, parents and peers are to be complementary in their roles: parents are more important in relation to their education, discipline, responsibilities, order, charity education and ways of interacting with authority figures. On the other hand, peers are important in cooperative learning, to find popularity and styles of interaction among peers of the same age. 

Parents are not everything for children and they do not have complete control over them, therefore sometimes when things get bad, parents do not help much, but the mentoring of parents matter much, since they seriously impact on the goals, strategies and personal philosophy of children. 


Here we will see four key points for excellence: 

a) Beliefs – thought: 

– Extraordinary repetition, parental persistence and continuous strengthening, so a child may strengthen his/her technical expertise. 

– Suzuki method (Mother tongue method). 

– Constant parents’ involvement in children’s activities like, practicing (for example; playing a musical instrument), constant memory and a lot of patience. 

–  Remember: talent is not inherent and this must be educated and trained. With special training and a lot of persistence, anyone can achieve great goals and success.
–  Instead of thinking about given talents and gifts, parents should think deeply about the extraordinary potential of their children.

b) Support creativity. Do not kill or break creativity: 

– Parents have to find what children like. They also should assign goals and high expectations, without becoming anxious to see that a child fails to achieve high goals. Parents must have patience. 

– An early exposure to resources is an excellent thing and gives high expectation, goals, demonstrate persistence and resilience when they have to face challenges. 

– Parents should not use affection as an achievement award; but on the contrary use penalties when a child fails or makes mistakes. Parents need to show trust and faith towards child skills that helps to seek self-satisfaction. 

c) Persistence and tranquility: 

– Einstein said: “It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” 

– In the end, persistence is the difference between mediocrity and success. 

– The key is intermittent reinforcement. 

– A person who grows up getting too frequent rewards will not be persistent, because that person will stand still when a prize disappears (Kaizen Principle). 

– There should be an emphasis on avoiding instant gratification, because it generates bad habits. 

– The ability to delay gratification opens new possibilities to look for improvement. 

– Those with early skills of self-discipline and delay in seeking gratification have achieved high academic success. 

– It is possible that gratification modes can be altered and saved by parents and teachers; thus delaying gratification must be a skill and like all skills must be learned and improved. 

– If children learn self-regulatory strategies to reduce frustration in situations, they impose self-delay of gratification. This will help to be tied to those desired goals. 

– Act as you would have your child behave now and in the future. Do not eat, buy or grab all you want. 

– Do not respond immediately to all that your children want. Let them learn how to deal with frustration with what they want. 

– Any philosophy, religion and practical exercises that reinforce these principles will help both parents and children. 


d) Willingness to accept failures and make mistakes (Da Vinci):

– In the world of success and achievement, weaknesses are opportunities. Before failure, we must be open, flexible and understand that these widen doors. 

– The only true fault is quitting. 

– Some biologists and scholars of human performance tell us that the human being develops as a response to problems and failures. 

– Parents should not make things easy to children; on the contrary, they must submit, monitor and modulate challenges. 

– Great success stories appear when parents and children learn to fight against wind and tide; achieve and gain satisfaction struggling against the tide. 

– Have a philosophy of persistence. 

We have to have persistence: recognize that we can make mistakes and do not always have the correct answer; that we can always find better solutions. We can be more effective and teach our children to move towards the right direction. 


The power of competitiveness 

Talents always have to develop in a context. They never develop alone, no man is an island. 

Humankind is a social enterprise and is always competitive. One always learns from another, shares and constantly compares and competes with others or counterparts; and all this is done in relation to affections, goals and resources. 

Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian and Corregio were openly adversaries who criticized and quarreled among themselves. They got angry, copied and admired each other. They were rivals set in the times they lived. 

When celebrating a great achievement, the competitive process should also be celebrated. 

Internal motivation of each person is highly malleable and socially tied to reality. Our cultural field directly affects how people challenge themselves to get to their goals. The trick is to create a culture that fosters healthy achievements that would accommodate different levels of personalities and motivations. 


The idea is to have a deliberate practice, work hard, and trying to be satisfactory, to achieve short-term goals, preferably learning to enjoy the process, rather than just focus on long gaps between the current abilities and great ones. 

A teacher should never assume that a student, who initially fails to understand an explanation, would never have the capacity for progress. 

As there are many types of intelligence, schools and universities must learn to adapt to this reality, since different people have different ways of learning. 

We must show high expectations, but also compassion, creativity and patience. 

New sciences study everything we have been talking about, Neuroscience, Epigenetic, Nanotechnology and Singularity. This proves, we have responsibility for our genes integrity. Our lifestyle may alter our inherited genes. 

Enriching experiences may develop brain functions, make it flexible and plastic. This suggests that developing learning behavior and plasticity can be transmitted to children; but it is necessary to put children in constant mental calisthenics. 

New sciences tell us that small things in life can have effects of great magnitude. 

Everything we know about neuroscience, epigenetic, uniqueness perfectly fits the dynamic system model of human abilities. Genes do not dictate who we are or become, on the contrary they act in a dynamic process. 

External forces modulate genes expressions. Heredity can come in different forms. We inherit stable genes but what surrounds us may alter them. We inherit language, ideas, attitudes, but these may change. All things around us shape us, and all that can be restructured – redesigned – by us. 

The Creativity and genius within all of us is to build this ability to improve our world and ourselves. 




2018 Marcel Arellano. All rights Reserved.